home / locations
- Braspenning Indoor - Workshops, jobs on site
- Braspenning Coatings - Surface treatment
- DockBoy / DockMate - Surface treatment
- UHP / Marine and Offshore Protection and Preservation - Surface treatment
- Braspenning Steigerbouw - (Rope) Access & Scaffolding
- Straalbedrijf Waterland Amsterdam - Workshop
- De Back Metaalconservering - Workshop
- Noordhof Schilderwerken B.V. - Workshop
Abroad (both surface treatment and scaffolding)
- Braspenning Coatings Sweden AB - Sweden
- Braspenning Coatings France s.a.s. - France
- Braspenning CuraƧao B.V. - Netherlands Antilles
- Braspenning Poland S.P. - Poland
Sister Companies
- De Verfkam B.V. inspections - Technical advice Coating
- City Jobs - Flexible labour
- LNC - Flexible labour
- Braspenning Projects s.r.l - Romania